This article was published before Vincent & Brown became Vincent & Partners
Planning Committee Success - Gothic Farm

Planning approval granted at Committee for a residential development including the proposed conversion of existing agricultural buildings to 2-new dwellings and the erection of 3 new-build dwellings following the demolition of existing farm buildings.
Vincent & Brown’s proposals for a residential development of five spacious 3-bedroom dwellings was granted planning permission following committee meeting in October 2021 subject to the completion of a Unilateral Undertaking.
The site, currently occupied by the Gothic Farm farmhouse and existing unoccupied agricultural barns is located off of Back Lane, North Duffield with part of the site being located outside defined development limits. The scheme looks to retain the existing farmhouse whilst looking to create a well-balanced and sympathetic residential development of 5-dwellings within the village of North Duffield. The scheme looks to retain and convert existing agricultural buildings providing two 3-bed dwellings and a further three generous detached 3-bed new-build dwellings all of which will benefit from secure off-street parking and outside amenity space. Access will be provided by private road directly off of Back Lane to the south of the site using an existing access.
The new dwellings to the rear are modern in appearance and refer to the character of Gothic Farm, whilst the converted buildings retain existing openings and characterful features in keeping with the existing street scene. The existing site benefits from mature boundary trees, hedging and vegetation and this paired with the retention of the existing farmhouse and barns set around a fold yard to the frontage of Back Lane means that the proposed residential development will have no detrimental impact on the existing street scene.
The Planning Application was recommended for approval by planning officers with the final decision being referred to Planning Committee in October 2021. The application had its complexities due to a small part of the site sitting outside of the Development Limits for North Duffield, however the team on this project including Vincent & Brown and Yew Tree Associates all worked positively and proactively with the planning officer to present a well-rounded scheme.
2 Nov 2021